Member Stories

  • Photo of Inspire Pharmacy

    March 4, 2022

    Inspire Pharmacy helps to serve the mission of Third Street Clinic, a non-profit organization founded by a University of North Dakota residency student in 1989.

  • Photo of Julie Priestley and family

    October 7, 2021

    We recently spoke to Julie Priestley about being displaced during COVID, how family helped with crisis response, and how Dowd Drug is thriving post-fire.

  • New Oakland Pharmacy

    September 15, 2021

    Kam Tam has been an independent pharmacy owner for 32 years with a handful of locations throughout the Oakland area in California.

  • Drilling Pharmacy staff celebrating the 50th anniversary.

    December 18, 2020

    Drilling Pharmacy has a lot of history in Sioux City, Iowa. As a family, the Drillings’ have been operating the store for more than 50 years.